30 July 2015


At long last there could be hope of solving mystery of the whereabouts of Malaysia Airlines MH370 which went missing on 8 March, 2014.

There are several media reports posted within the past four or so hours about the discovery of a part of an aircraft wing which had washed up on La Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar off the eastern coast of Africa.

Former military pilot Xavier Tytelman believes that it could be a wing flap from a Boeing 777. (Screen cap of his Tweet below)

From the sea shell encrustations which have built up on the part, Police in Reunion believe that it has been in the water for over a year which fits the time of disappearance of MH370.

"UPDATE 17:30UTC Experts: debris found on Reunion Island show 'incredible similarities with Boeing 777."

More pictures of the part over here though the blog is in French.

However, this Metro UK report cautions possibilities that the part could have come from other aircraft which had crashed into the sea years earlier.

Anyway, let us hope and pray that at long last this piece is the first breakthrough in solving the mystery of the disappearance of MH370, that at long last there will bring closure to for the bereaved families of the passengers and crew AND that at long last it will enable investigators to get to the bottom of what actually happened to MH370 and whether there was any foul play involved if any.



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